
class AnalogOut(name, parent_device, connection, limits=None, unit_conversion_class=None, unit_conversion_parameters=None, default_value=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: AnalogQuantity

Analog Output class for use with all devices that support timed analog outputs.

__init__(name, parent_device, connection, limits=None, unit_conversion_class=None, unit_conversion_parameters=None, default_value=None, **kwargs)

Instantiate an Output.

  • name (str) – python variable name to assign the Output to.

  • parent_device (IntermediateDevice) – Parent device the output is connected to.

  • connection (str) – Channel of parent device output is connected to.

  • limits (tuple, optional) – (min,max) allowed for the output.

  • unit_conversion_class (labscript_utils:labscript_utils.unitconversions, optional) – Unit concersion class to use for the output.

  • unit_conversion_parameters (dict, optional) – Dictonary or kwargs to pass to the unit conversion class.

  • default_value (float, optional) – Default value of the output if no output is commanded.

  • **kwargs – Passed to Device.__init__().


LabscriptError – Limits tuple is invalid or unit conversion class units don’t line up.


__init__(name, parent_device, connection[, ...])

Instantiate an Output.


Adds a child device to this device.

add_instruction(time, instruction[, units])

Adds a hardware instruction to the device instruction list.

apply_calibration(value, units)

Apply the calibration defined by the unit conversion class, if present.

constant(t, value[, units])

Sets the output to a constant value at time t.

customramp(t, duration, function, *args, ...)

Define a custom function for the output.


Basic error checking to ensure the user's instructions make sense.

exp_ramp(t, duration, initial, final, samplerate)

Exponential ramp whose rate of change is set by an asymptotic value (zero argument).

exp_ramp_t(t, duration, initial, final, ...)

Exponential ramp whose rate of change is set by the time_constant.

expand_timeseries(all_times, flat_all_times_len)

This function evaluates the ramp functions in self.timeseries at the time points in all_times, and creates an array of output values at those times.


Generate hardware instructions for device and children, then save to h5 file.


Get all children devices for this device.


Get all children devices that are outputs.


If this function is being called, it means that the parent Pseudoclock has requested a list of times that this output changes state.


Get all properties in location.

get_property(name[, location])

Method to get a property of this device already set using Device.set_property().


If this is being called, then it means the parent Pseuedoclock has asked for a list of the output ramp start and stop times.


Creates the device group in the shot file.


Gets a human readable description of an instruction.


If this is being called, then it means the parent Pseudoclock has asked for a list of this output's states at each time in change_times.


Subtracts self.trigger_delay from all instructions at or after each trigger_time.

piecewise_accel_ramp(t, duration, initial, ...)

Changes the output so that the second derivative follows one period of a triangle wave.


Quantises times to the resolution of the controlling pseudoclock.

ramp(t, duration, initial, final, samplerate)

Command the output to perform a linear ramp.

set_properties(properties_dict, property_names)

Add one or a bunch of properties packed into properties_dict

set_property(name, value[, location, overwrite])

Method to set a property for this device.

sine(t, duration, amplitude, angfreq, phase, ...)

Command the output to perform a sinusoidal modulation.

sine4_ramp(t, duration, initial, final, ...)

Command the output to perform an increasing ramp defined by one half period of a quartic sine wave.

sine4_reverse_ramp(t, duration, initial, ...)

Command the output to perform a decreasing ramp defined by one half period of a quartic sine wave.

sine_ramp(t, duration, initial, final, ...)

Command the output to perform a ramp defined by one half period of a squared sine wave.

square_wave(t, duration, amplitude, ...[, ...])

A standard square wave.

square_wave_levels(t, duration, level_0, ...)

A standard square wave.



Defines types of devices that are allowed to be children of this device.



Returns the parent clock line's clock limit.



Brief description of the device.


Stores the clocking clockline, which may be itself.


Stores the clocking pseudoclock, which may be itself.



The earliest time output can be commanded from this device at the start of the experiment.


The earliest time output can be commanded from this device after a trigger.


The earliest time output can be commanded from this device after a wait.

description = 'analog output'

Brief description of the device.